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Columns on the south side of the First Court in the mortuary temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu at Thebes.Thebes was the ancient capital of Egypt and was built in and around modern day Luxor.The ancient name for Medinet Habu was Djamet meaning "males and mothers." Its holy ground was believed to be where the Ogdoad,the four pairs of primeval gods,were buried.Medinet Habu was both a temple and a complex of temples.Queen Hatshepsut who ruled Egypt from 1479-1458 BC and Tuthmosis...
more » Columns on the south side of the First Court in the mortuary temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu at Thebes.Thebes was the ancient capital of Egypt and was built in and around modern day Luxor.The ancient name for Medinet Habu was Djamet meaning "males and mothers." Its holy ground was believed to be where the Ogdoad,the four pairs of primeval gods,were buried.Medinet Habu was both a temple and a complex of temples.Queen Hatshepsut who ruled Egypt from 1479-1458 BC and Tuthmosis III who reigned from 1479-1425 BC built a small temple to Amun on the site of an earlier structure. Next to their temple, Ramses III who reigned from 1186-1155 BC built his mortuary temple.He then enclosed both structures within a massive mud-brick enclosure.The temple precinct measures about 700 feet by 1000 feet and contains more than 75,350 sq ft of decorated surfaces across its walls.It is the best preserved of all the mortuary temples of Thebes.
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Robbie Jack December 2011